Artist Booking Contract Info Form Contract Date * Date contract should be issued MM DD YYYY Artist * Artist being booked Billing * Opening, Support, Headlining Date(s) * Show date or dates Time(s) * Show time or times Ticketed * Is this a ticketed event Select one Yes No Type of ticket Only if ticketed Select one General Admin Seated VIP Registration only (free event) Max ticket capacity How may tickets available Comp tickets/kills How may comp tickets/seat kills Ticket Price Ticket price for each ticket type Venue Name * Venue Address * Address, City, State Zip Venue Capacity Age * Ages allowed Select one under 18 18+ 21+ All ages Deal * Price for the artist and an other payment deals Additional Deal Provisions Announce Date MM DD YYYY On Sale Date MM DD YYYY Other Artists Merch Details Schedule Doors, opener, support, show, etc. Contract Due Date * MM DD YYYY Payment Details * Deposit due, balance due, box office audit, etc. Name of person signing contract * First Name Last Name Company Address * Address, suite, city, state, zip Person signing's email * Person signing's phone number * (###) ### #### HCE Agent * HCE agent signing contract Select one Renee Adam Jerry A contract will be generated and sent to the HCE agent for verification. It will then be sent to the contract signer then the HCE rep for signature.